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Porta Historica is looking for new members

Porta Historica a Network of Scholars and Institutions Opening up, Editing, and Analyzing Historical Sources is looking for new members. Join Porta Historica, a network of scholars and institutions that are involved with or interested in opening up, editing and analyzing historical documents. You can become member of this network for free by sending the application form to Eef Dijkhof, secretary general of Porta Historica: secretary at He will add your name to the membership list and send you an e-mail with your username and information about choosing your password. After you have set your password you can log in to the membership area and take part in discussions. Furthermore, you can place international news on the website and announce upcoming events such as workshops and conferences.

Manuscript Submission ("Documenta & Instrumenta")

The journal “Documenta & Instrumenta” is now accepting manuscripts for its next issue, so the Editorial Staff is glad to invite the community of Porta Historica to submit articles and reviews focused on its fields of study. “Documenta & Instrumenta” is a scientific journal stablished in 2003 by professors of the Department of Historical and Scientific Techniques of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). This peer- reviewed journal publishes every year original works related to this field of knowledge: Palaeography, Diplomatics, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Book History, Sources Edition... The complete issues of “Documenta & Instrumenta” can be accessed, freely, through its official website: “Documenta & Instrumenta”, actually, is indexed in these directories: Latindex Dice Cindoc Dulcinea ISOC Regesta Imperii Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory The main languages of the journal are: Spanish, French, English, Italian and Portuguese. The content of the articles or reviews submitted must be original and unpublished. The manuscripts must be submitted by e-mail ( or by post to: Secretaría de Documenta et Instrumenta Dpto. de Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas y Arqueología Facultad de Geografía e Historia Universidad Complutense de Madrid C/ Profesor Aranguren, s/n. E-28040 Madrid, Spain. Authors interested in submitting manuscripts to this journal can find some “Author Guidelines” through this website: For further information, please contact the journal’s editorial team: