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Join Porta Historica, a network of scholars and institutions that are involved with or interested in opening up, editing and analyzing historical documents. You can become member of this network for free by sending the application form to Eef Dijkhof, secretary general of Porta Historica: secretary at He will add your name to the membership list and send you an e-mail with your username and information about choosing your password. After you have set your password you can log in to the membership area and take part in discussions. Read first the invitation or go directly to the application form:
Quality criteria for electronic source editions
In 2008, Porta Historica drew up standard quality criteria for electronic source editions. With these quality criteria, Porta Historica makes clear what the requirements are that academic source editions have to meet.
Critères de qualité pour l’édition électronique de sources
En 2008, Porta Historica a élaboré des critères de qualité pour l’édition électronique de sources. Avec ces critères, Porta Historica souhaite préciser les conditions que les éditions doivent remplir pour être considérées comme des éditions scientifiques.
Criterios de calidad para la edición digital de fuentes
En 2008, Porta Histórica preparo criterios de calidad estándar para la edición digital de fuentes. Con estos criterios de calidad, Porta Histórica aclara cuales son las exigencias que tienen que cumplir las ediciones académicas de fuentes.
Qualitätskriterien für elektronische Quelleneditionen
Im Jahr 2008 entwickelte Porta Historica Qualitätskriterien für elektronische Quelleneditionen. Mit diesen Qualitätskriterien macht Porta Historica deutlich, welche Anforderungen digitale wissenschaftliche Quelleneditionen zu erfüllen haben.
Quality Criteria
The sticky path from interesting subject to quality publication
Projects devoted to the Batavian-French period by the Institute of Netherlands History, 1905 to the present[1] Johanna Roelevink, senior researcher Institute of Netherlands History, The Hague
Karel Velle, Preface
Ludo Milis, Information Technology, warden of our past ?
Donald Haks, Quantity, quality and the public. The electronic edition of historical sources